OpenCV Python for Beginners - Full Course in 10 Hours (2020) - Learn Computer Vision with OpenCV

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By : HalaPro Admin

التخصص : البرمجة و التصميم | الدروس الجامعية

Course Details

OpenCV is an image processing library created by Intel and later supported by Willow Garage and now maintained by Itseez. opencv is available on Mac, Windows, Linux. Works in C, C++, and Python. it is Open Source and free. opencv is easy to use and install. Starting with an overview of what the course will be covering, we move on to discussing morphological operations and practically learn how they work on images. We will then learn contrast enhancement using equalization and contrast limiting. Finally we will learn 3 methods to subtract the background from the video and implement them using OpenCV. At the end of this course, you will have a firm grasp of Computer Vision techniques using OpenCV libraries. This course will be your gateway to the world of data science. Feel the real power of Python and programming! The course offers you a unique approach of learning how to code by solving real world problems. #ProgrammingKnowledge #ComputerVision #OpenCV 1 - Introduction to OpenCV 2 - How to Install OpenCV for Python on Windows 10 3 - How to Read, Write, Show Images in OpenCV 4 - How to Read, Write, Show Videos from Camera in OpenCV 5 - Draw geometric shapes on images using Python OpenCV 6 - Setting Camera Parameters in OpenCV Python 7 - Show Date and Time on Videos using OpenCV Python 8 - Handle Mouse Events in OpenCV 9 - More Mouse Event Examples in OpenCV Python 10 - cv.split, cv.merge, cv.resize, cv.add, cv.addWeighted, ROI 11- Bitwise Operations (bitwise AND, OR, NOT and XOR) 12 - How to Bind Trackbar To OpenCV Windows 13 - Object Detection and Object Tracking Using HSV Color Space 14 - Simple Image Thresholding 15 - Adaptive Thresholding 16 - matplotlib with OpenCV 17 - Morphological Transformations 18 - Smoothing Images | Blurring Images OpenCV 19 - Image Gradients and Edge Detection 20 - Canny Edge Detection in OpenCV 21 - Image Pyramids with Python and OpenCV 22 - Image Blending using Pyramids in OpenCV 22 - Image Blending using Pyramids in OpenCV 23 - Find and Draw Contours with OpenCV in Python 24 - Motion Detection and Tracking Using Opencv Contours 25 - Detect Simple Geometric Shapes using OpenCV in Python 26 - Understanding image Histograms using OpenCV Python 27 - Template matching using OpenCV in Python 28 - Hough Line Transform Theory 29 - Hough Line Transform using HoughLines method in OpenCV 30 - Probabilistic Hough Transform using HoughLinesP in OpenCV 31 - Road Lane Line Detection with OpenCV (Part 1) 32 - Road Lane Line Detection with OpenCV (Part 2) 33 - Road Lane Line Detection with OpenCV (Part 3) 34 - Circle Detection using OpenCV Hough Circle Transform 35 - Face Detection using Haar Cascade Classifiers 36 - Eye Detection Haar Feature based Cascade Classifiers 37 - Detect Corners with Harris Corner Detector in OpenCV 38 - Detect Corners with Shi Tomasi Corner Detector in OpenCV 39 - How to Use Background Subtraction Methods in OpenCV 40 - Mean Shift Object Tracking 41 - Object Tracking Camshift Method