I am an Arabic language tutor using student-tailored teaching methods. I am a detail-oriented person eager to help.I am also a good listener providing an immense amount of care for anyone who needs it. 18 years of experience as a ...
I'm a teacher of English with 30 years of experience in national and international schools. I've been teaching IELTS for the past 15 years and I also told conversation in English lessons for students from different parts of the world. I'm happy ...
مرحبا 🙋♀️ اسمي فرح، احب العلوم جدا، الاحياء والكيمياء وكللل ما يخص الصيدلة واتعامل مع كل موضوع فيها على انه الاهم لافهمه جيدا قبل شرحه لاي احد. بفضل الله تخرجت من كلية الصيدلة بتقدير امتياز من جامعتي واود ان اساعد الطلاب ان يتخرجو بتقدير ممتاز ايضا.
An electrical engineer with extensive teaching experience, has taught: 1. IBDP Math, AA/AI, SL/HL 2. A/AS-Level Math, Pure, Statistics, and Mechanics 3. University Math and Physics courses 4. Electrical Engineering subjects 5. GMAT/GRE Quantitative Reasoning University Subjects include: Calculus 1, 2, & 3 Differential Equations ...
على استعداد تام لاعطاء دروس في المواد الطبية والأحياء بشكل مبسط