د.احمد سيد


أونلاين 10 $ / ساعة

التخصص : الدروس المدرسية | الدروس الجامعية

My qualifications include a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, along with a PhD Degree in Education. I have fourteen years of experience in teaching math classes, from basic grade school mathematics to advanced calculus. I am also experienced in the use of modern technology to engage students and make the learning process more interactive and engaging. I am an avid believer in the power of knowledge, have spent my entire career teaching students to think analytically, critically and explore new ideas. I am confident that I can help your students develop a lifelong love of math and gain the skills they need to excel in their future endeavors. I am also eager to contribute to the professional development of teachers in your school.

  • المؤهل : Doctoral Degree
  • خبرة : 15 سنوات
  • مصر - القاهرة - مدينة نصر

شارك الصفحة


سنوات الخبرة

15 سنوات

My qualifications include a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, along with a PhD Degree in Education. I have fourteen years of experience in teaching math classes, from basic grade school mathematics to advanced calculus. I am also experienced in the use of modern technology to engage students and make the learning process more interactive and engaging. I am an avid believer in the power of knowledge, have spent my entire career teaching students to think analytically, critically and explore new ideas. I am confident that I can help your students develop a lifelong love of math and gain the skills they need to excel in their future endeavors. I am also eager to contribute to the professional development of teachers in your school.