Heba Moumtaz


أونلاين 12 $ / ساعة

التخصص : اللغات | الدروس المدرسية | الدروس الجامعية

مرحبا اسمي هبة أنا من مصر أعمل مدرسة لغة عربية و لدي خبرة لتدريسها لغير الناطقين بها ، تخرجت من قسم اللغة العربية بكلية الألسن بجامعة عين شمس في القاهرة و ذلك مكنني من تدريس اللغة العربية للمتحدثين الأصليين أو غير الناطقين بها. لديّ شهادتان باللغة العربية ، بكالوريوس في الشمس ودبلوم في تدريس اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها من جامعة الإسكندرية الآن أقوم بدراسة دكتوراه اللغة العربية وتدريسها للناطقين بغيرها في جامعة الإسكندرية .. سأكون سعيدة جدا للتواصل معكم :) . hello everyone , my name is Heba I am from Egypt , I am Arabic teacher 8 years ago , i have Experience in teaching Arabic online , also Egyptian Arabic or Quran Tajweed , I graduated from Ain shams university from Cairo 2010 , i worked as Arabic teacher in a privet centers in Alexandria my city , i like Languages and teaching them , my hobby is reading , swimming , traveling to now cities :) ! I am a professional and experienced Arabic teacher for non-native speakers , graduated from Faculty of Al- Alsun ( Languages ) Arabic section Ain Shams University in Cairo which made me able to teach Arabic for Native speakers or non-native speakers . I have Two certificates in Arabic , Bachelor of Al sun and Diploma in Teaching Arabic for non-native speakers from Alexandria University in Alex ,which qualify me to teach all levels and have work experience in teaching Arabic and Arabic and Islamic studies in centers , now I am doing my master in Arabic Linguistics and teaching Arabic in Alex university . I am a native speaker able to teach you modern standard Arabic , Quranic Arabic ( classical Arabic ) as well as Colloquial Egyptian Arabic . I offer you sessions and courses that make you able to speak and comprehend Arabic in an easy way by focusing on all of the four language skills by using Effective materials , all books i will send it to all my students , Looking forward to first class :) ! Teaching Material PDF file Text Documents Presentation slides/PPT Audio files Image files Video files Flashcards Articles and news Quizzes Test templates and examples Graphs and charts Homework assignments

  • مصر - الإسكندرية

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