Mahmoud Tarek


أونلاين 10 $ / ساعة

التخصص : اللغات

Hello students! My name is Mr. Mahmoud, and I am your English teacher. I have been teaching English for over 5 years, and I am passionate about helping students improve their language skills. I believe that learning English should be an engaging and enjoyable experience, so I strive to create a positive and interactive classroom environment. I am here to support you in your language journey and provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to succeed. Let's embark on this exciting learning

  • المؤهل : Master's Degree
  • خبرة : 5 سنوات
  • مصر - اسكندريه - العجمي الهانوفيل

شارك الصفحة



سنوات الخبرة

5 سنوات

Hello students! My name is Mr. Mahmoud, and I am your English teacher. I have been teaching English for over 5 years, and I am passionate about helping students improve their language skills. I believe that learning English should be an engaging and enjoyable experience, so I strive to create a positive and interactive classroom environment. I am here to support you in your language journey and provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to succeed. Let's embark on this exciting learning