Priyanka Das


أونلاين 15 $ / ساعة

مقابلة 20 $ / ساعة

التخصص : مهارات الحياة | الدروس المدرسية

Hi I am a happy, dynamic, creative teacher who loves to teach and learn new techniques and skills all the time. I like to reinvent myself and I always like improving myself as a person and a professional. I have been teaching for more than a decade and its been a beautiful journey. I am a certified teacher with masters in teaching English and I love incoporating fun games in my lessons.

  • المؤهل : Master's degree
  • خبرة : 10 سنوات
  • اسبانيا - La Palma

شارك الصفحة


سنوات الخبرة

10 سنوات

I have taught in private language academies as well as in schools. I have taught all levels from young learners to proficiency exams. I also work in immersion camps and outdoor activities.