Rami AD


أونلاين 10 $ / ساعة

مقابلة 30 $ / ساعة

التخصص : اللغات | الدروس المدرسية | الدروس الجامعية

Having earned a doctorate in Geopolitics from the renowned Institut Français de Géopolitique (IFG), my professional path has been fueled by a deep-rooted passion for both research and the dissemination of knowledge. This fervor has guided me through diverse professional experiences in France and Lebanon, where I've served as a researcher, university lecturer, and analyst, all driven by the common goal of advancing understanding in my field.

  • المؤهل : Doctoral Degree
  • خبرة : 4 سنوات
  • لبنان - بيروت

شارك الصفحة



الدروس المدرسية

سنوات الخبرة

4 سنوات

Lecturer since 2020.

الفيديو والوثائق